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Samsung C&T T&I Fashion Resort



IoT-based Construction Site Environmental Management System

We are efficiently managing noise and dust at our construction sites using IoT technology, with sensors installed in areas where there is noise and dust generation, transmitting data to PCs and mobile devices in real time. Immediate and effective responses, such as noise dispersion, equipment operation time adjustments, and dust reduction measures are taken. We actively work to minimize our environmental impact on surrounding areas by mandating the installation of IoT systems at all newly established construction sites in Korea.

발생 소음분진을 실시간 감지하여 gate way로 전송 소음분진센터(사업장부지경계) 소음분진센터(주거지역) 소음분진 측정값을 ap로 보내기 위한 중간다리 역할 gate way(옥외) pc 및 모바일로 결과값을 보내는 wifi 무선 wifi ap(현장 사무실/옥외) iot 플랫폼 dashboard pc/태블릿/mobile

Eco-Drive Campaign

Samsung C&T is leading the construction industry by implementing an Eco-Drive Campaign that reduces greenhouse gas emissions and conserves fuel, supported by the participation of all employees and stakeholders at Korean business sites. In 2022, the company expanded the ongoing Eco-Drive Campaign in collaboration with the Korea Transportation Safety Authority to include employees, partner company managers, and workers. Notably, Samsung C&T has proactively established “Eco-Drive Experience Zones” at its construction sites, and provides Eco-Drive training for equipment operators, going beyond regulatory compliance with voluntary reduction efforts.

Development of Partner Company Environmental Management Process

Samsung C&T incorporates environmental management activities into its partner company evaluations, utilizing these evaluations for regular registrations. A partner company environmental management process is designed to follow the PDCA cycle, enabling seamless communication and operation between on-site partner companies and environmental managers. Mandatory environmental management training for newly appointed partner company managers ensures that a comprehensive system for environmental management is in place at all levels. In addition, Samsung C&T identifies outstanding partner companies through a separate registration review for asbestos removal, waste disposal, and noise and vibration measurement-focused companies. This approach strengthens partnerships and promotes “collaborative environmental management activities” with partner companies.

협력회사 환경관리 계획서 작성 기준 확인 환경 Risk 평가 (평가표  양식 활용) Risk 평가 결과에 따른 중점  관리대책 수립 환경관리 계획서 작성·제출 (PCM 수행계획서 내 반영) PCM 발표 및 착공 세부 환경관리 이행 점검 및 시정조치 기록관리 당사 당사 작성기준 안내 및 계획서 제출 의무화 (표준양식 활용) 시공 계획 확인 및 현장 환경관리 기준 제언 (Risk 평가표 검토, 협의) 환경관리계획서 적정성 검토 (공종 별 체크리스트 확인, 세부  관리방안 협의) 현장 이행 여부 확인 협력사 정기 평가